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    • Foreingers over the age of 18 who graduated from high school, and overseas Koreans.
  • Curriculum Overview (time)

    Total Class Hours Class Sessions Hours
    200 Hours
    (10 Weeks)
    Morning 09:00 ~ 13:00
    ( 4H )

Classes for Each Level

Level Target Students & Course Material
Beginner Level 1 - Learn consonants and vowels in Korean and practice basic sentence patterns
- Strengthen communicative ability for daily life conversations
Level 2 - Appropriate for learners who have taken over 200 hours of Korean language education or have equivalent competency in Korean
- Strengthen communicative ability for daily life and college life conversations
Intermediate Level 3 - Appropriate for learners who have taken over 400 hours of Korean language education or have equivalent competency in Korean
- Strengthen communicative ability required for various social activities and practice skills needed for college level academics
Level 4 - Appropriate for learners who have taken over 600 hours of Korean language education or have equivalent competency in Korean
- Strengthen communicative ability required for various social activities and practice skills needed for college level academics
(Level 5, 6)
- Appropriate for learners who have taken over 800 to 1,000 hours of Korean language education
- Enrich advanced level vocabulary and increase grammatical function knowledge
- Learn professional knowledge for college level education
- Strengthen communicative ability suitable for employment and business environments
- Improve communicative ability for professional fields


Semester Application Period Placement Test Class period
Application Open Application Due
D-4 visa Applicants Applicants
With other types of visa
(or visa-free applicants)
2025 Spring 2024.12.18. 2025.01.23. 2025.02.14. 2025.02.21. 2025.03.03.~
(21 countries)
Summer 2025.02.28. 2025.04.04. 2025.05.02. 2025.05.09. 2025.05.19.~
(21 countries)
Fall 2025.06.09. 2025.07.15. 2025.08.08. 2025.08.14. 2025.08.27.~
(21 countries)
Winter 2025.08.27. 2025.10.01. 2025.10.31. 2025.11.07. 2025.11.17.~
(21 countries)

Countries notified by Ministry of Justice > (21 Countries in total)
: Bangladesh, China, Egypt, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam

경희대학교 국제교육원(국제캠퍼스). 경기도 용인시 기흥구 덕영대로 1732 (17104)  Phone : +82-31-201-3377(대표) , 3931(행정실) , +82-31-202-3011(외국어교육부)  Fax : +82-31- 204-8124 / E-mail : global@khu.ac.kr(General), apply.ile@khu.ac.kr(application) COPYRIGHT © KYUNG HEE UNIVERSITY. ALL RIGHT RESERVED.