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FAQ 목록

  1. Q

    I would like to know about the qualification of applying for the Korean language course at the language education center.

    A: Applications are available for foreigners and overseas Koreans aged 18 or older who graduated from high school.

  2. Q

    I'd like to know the process of applying for the Korean language course at the Language Education Center.

    A: The application procedures for the Korean language course at the Language Education Center are as follows.

    1. If the student is in Korea
    Homepage application > Document inspection
    and interview > Payment of education fees and sending real
    documents for applicants > Admission

    2. If the student is abroad Homepage application
    > Document inspection > Interview > Invoice sending and Payment of education fees > Visa application and real documents sending > Entry > Admission

  3. Q

    I'd like to know the submission documents necessary to apply for the Korean language course at the Language Education Center.

    A: Basically, the documents needed to apply for the language education center vary slightly from country to country.
    If you want to know details, please download the brochure on the main screen of the website and refer to it.

  4. Q

    I have questions, where should I send the mail?

    A: You can send an email to apply.ile@khu.ac.kr (Korean, Chinese, and English)

  5. Q

    How is the level test conducted?

    A: The level test-related matters change all the time, so we inform the freshmen by e-mail before admission.

  6. Q

    How many students do you usually study in one class?

    Usually, about 12-15 students study in one class.

  7. Q

    I wonder how to apply for a dormitory.

    A: When you fill out the application form for the language education center, you can choose the dormitory you want and apply. After that, the officer will makes a list of students and submits them to the dormitory.
    You can get a room assignment after entering Korea. Students who don't want to live in a dormitory should find place to live by self.

  8. Q

    facilities and costs of the dormitory.

    A : Students taking the Korean language course at Kyung Hee University's Language Education Center can live in the dormitory of Kyung Hee University and there are two types of dormitories.
    Woojeongwon is a dormitory in the school and Neobil is a dormitory outside of the school. For more information, please check the contents of the dormitory in the brochure.

  9. Q

    Do I have to get insurance for international students?

    A: Kyunghee University's Language Education Center helps students sign up for insurance for foreign students according to the date of entry into Korea. This insurance is valid for six months, and students who have been in Korea for six months will automatically be subscribed to the Korean National Health Insurance.

  10. Q

    How could I buy textbooks?

    Textbooks are available at Kyunghee University Bookstore and famous domestic bookstores (Kyobo Bookstore, Aladdin, Interpark, Yes24). Kyung Hee University's bookstore is located on B1 of the Woojeongwon school dormitory.

경희대학교 국제교육원(국제캠퍼스). 경기도 용인시 기흥구 덕영대로 1732 (17104)  Phone : +82-31-201-3377(대표) , 3931(행정실) , +82-31-202-3011(외국어교육부)  Fax : +82-31- 204-8124 / E-mail : global@khu.ac.kr(General), apply.ile@khu.ac.kr(application) COPYRIGHT © KYUNG HEE UNIVERSITY. ALL RIGHT RESERVED.